
Student Corner


Written by: Om Thapa - 23053, Grade XI

Posted on: 25 April, 2022

The multiverse is an imaginary collection of numerous universes or realities. The other multiverses are usually called parallel universes or alternate universes. The idea of the multiverse came from Ancient Greeks philosophy Atomism. Atomism is a natural philosophy claiming that the physical cosmos is made up of fundamental, indivisible components known as atoms. Atomism claimed that an infinite number of parallel universes could exist due to the collision of atoms. The term multiverse was used by American philosopher William James in 1895. Some scientists in 2010 analyzed WMAP data and claimed to have discovered evidence indicating that in the distant. In the past, this universe clashed with other parallel universes. WMAP also known as Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe was a NASA spacecraft operating from 2001 to 2010 which measured temperature difference across space in the cosmic microwave background which is the radiant heat remaining from the big bang. But by analyzing more data from WMAP and from Planck satellite which did not provide any evidence of bubble universe collision. According to the theory of multiverse there could be other parallel universes which could have their own laws of physics with other planets and stars then ours and with more intelligent civilization than ours. It also claims that there could be an exact copy of you reading this exact copy of this article. In other words, there could be an infinite number of the same or exact scenario happening in another parallel universe as there are an infinite number of universes according to this theory. A physicist Max Tegmark explained the multiverse into four different levels.

1) Level 1(Regions based Cosmic Horizon) : The cosmos is fundamentally indefinitely large and includes matter in nearly the same distribution that we observe in the universe. The laws of physics are the same as in our observable universe. It is like an exact duplicate of our universe.

2) Level 2(Other Post-inflation Bubbles) : Separate universes arise like bubbles of spacetime, each with its own type of expansion, according to the laws of inflation theory. The laws of physics could be very different from our universe. In that parallel universe, there could be new stars and planets which will not be the same as planets and stars in our universe.

3)Level 3 (Many worlds of Quantum Physics) : According to quantum physics, Events unfold in every imaginable way, simply in different universes. Same scenarios will be repeated and every single decision of every individual matters. Most of the movies, books and T.V series have this type of multiverse ideas.

4)Level 4 (Other mathematical structure) : This form of parallel world is a catch-all for various mathematical structures that we can imagine but do not see physical realities in our reality. Level 4 parallel worlds are

those that are controlled by equations that differ from those that govern our reality. Unlike Level 2 worlds, it is fully new sets of laws, not merely various expressions of the same underlying principles. As the concept of multiverse becomes popular movies and TV shows are using the concept of multiverse. To know more about the multiverse I would recommend books like ‘The space between Worlds’ , ’Dark Matter”, etc.