
Student Corner


Written by: Norah Lama - 23060, Grade XI

Posted on: 22 April, 2022

In today's world, the internet has become an indispensable part of  our life. It provides us with a platform where we can create our own virtual social space in which we can upload or get information. However, it has turned man into a hermit. Gone are the days when the internet was merely a resource for finding information. Social networking sites have changed the way people think about the internet and how they use it. It's now a fantastic way to connect and communicate with people who live thousands of miles apart.

Addiction to these sites can have a negative impact on our mental health, and it can even lead to sadness, anxiety and depression. The user's trustworthiness is in doubt. On these sites, it's difficult to trust strangers. It preys on the emotions of many children and teenagers. They don't wish to associate with other people. For them, the Internet is their only source of entertainment. Other factors and interests are secondary. It has an impact on children's schoolwork because they spend so much of their time on these sites that they lose interest in their studies and their ability to concentrate. It can sometimes encourage a lot of scams.

Despite the fact that these sites have a number of negative consequences, they are also useful tools for engaging with millions of people and exchanging ideas throughout the world. We must all adjust how we use them. The only thing we need to know is where the boundary line is. It is up to you to decide how much you can trust and use these.