
Student Corner

Life, Journey and hurdle.

Written by: Binaya Rijal - 22020, Grade XII

Posted on: 22 April, 2022

Everyone has their own story

And it is legit as Newton's theory.

I too have my own tale

A dream that crashed down to fail.

Life ain't easy as a walking in the park

Or switching the light when it's dark.

Remembrance of sorrowful past

Ruptures guilt in my heart.

Had some ups and down

No road to turn this life around.

If only I had a remote like in movies

Go back to stop all the tragedies.

Alas, life ain't one screenplay

Can live only this day

No time traveling like in click   

Or flying to wonderland on the broomstick

But I won't lay down my hope  

Gotta hold on to my life's rope

Making a single step at a time

Look out like a shooting star, I'll shine.