
Student Corner

Is it okay to use animals in a circus?

Written by: Ishu Shiwakoti - 22009, Grade XII

Posted on: 19 April, 2022

Animals should not be used for entertainment purposes as have been used in circuses. Animal-free performances should be given more priority and using animals should be discarded. It  is unethical to use animals just because they can’t speak or share their pain. We, as a human being, considered as intelligent one, must ensure animal safety in context to circuses or any kind of shows. 

Using animals is unethical because animals are forced to perform tricks against their will. Animals are compelled to follow the given task no matter what. Trainers in some circus and shows mostly use whips and other mediums to force animals to perform and learn tricks. Animals should not be treated in this manner because it is cruel, and inhumane and against the law, as animals have rights too. Frequent cruel punishment they endured to learn the tricks, they snap and go on reckless rampages, putting many people's lives in danger. 

The reason behind using animal tricks is people find those tricks more entertaining and interesting as well, once it is stopped they would stop going to the circus, in shows because the animals are usually the main attraction in many shows. Many people would lose their jobs, and many more would lose a significant amount of money. Because of these reasons, the use of animals is increasing rather than decreasing. But to earn money, secure a job humans don’t have the right to use animals and harm them. There are different ways to attract people, one shouldn’t rely on animals. 

To sum up, animal circuses should be prohibited as it shows the cruelty towards the animals by using vile tools to force them to perform tricks and endangering the lives of innocent bystanders. Main purpose of the circus is to entertain rather than educate, but this can’t be ignored, the impact of seeing wild animals perform unnatural tricks does not instill a sense of respect or appreciation towards animals among childrens. Circuses, on the other hand, teach children that it is acceptable to exploit and mistreat animals for amusement. To avoid this we as human beings should act wisely and eliminate this inhumane act.