
Student Corner

Trust your intuition.

Written by: Arpan Acharya - 23010, Grade XI

Posted on: 19 April, 2022

The times when some students struggle in studies, their parents hire them tutors, instructors to cope with. But the question arises, what should we do when we struggle in life? Whom should we hire, whom should we plead for help? Most of us will be in some sort of dilemma. But, as there is saying, where there is will there is a way, in relation to this, well there's one tutor that is lying inside all of us all the time: Intuition, the insider that we most of the time treat as a stranger. The word intuition if we break it down, in simple terms it will sound like inner tuition. An inner tutor. To quote Albert Einstein, the most genius mind once stated that the intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. Yes in this world there are several people who just honor the servant and do not see the blissful gift. Such people have crazy numbers of mentors, such people when they get in trouble have no helping hands except a bunch of advice which push them deeper into confusion and away from the solution. Intuition is a beautiful sense that acts spontaneously without quenching the thirst of whys but creates a response full of confidence and calmness. We all know that when we are given a chance to choose between several choices, it comes with a lot of distress to pick one. Likewise when in times of trouble the questions that we ask people in the pursuit of solutions, we tend to be consumed with thoughts much more than before because of different people, different experiences. With a lot of thoughts revolving on the mind that lead us to anxiety and indecision. These times are the times where using an intuitive approach is the best. This will make you calm, present in the moment and gentle with the problem. A huge malpractice about intuition is that people confuse intuition with predictions. Knowing what will occur in the future, reading people’s minds etc is certainly not intuition. 

Intuition is something out of the box, it gives you all you need to get started to follow what seems to be right even though it is against all the odds. Intuitive approach doesn’t bother you to work on things that the prejudices of people, social conventions and even common sense tend to be against off. And even sometimes when the intuition driven decisions may be wrong, it enables you to perceive whatever life throws up on you. 

It helps you gain trust from yourselves. You will be your own boss and there will be no need for a therapist because following your intuition is therapeutic in itself.

Our education system has always talked badly about the value of intuition and the benefits of cultivating intuitive skills. Initially as children we all have intuitive skills, no boundaries with imagination. As adults, taking an intuitive approach makes people label you as “childish” which is completely wrong.  Yes facts and logic are very important, but life as a whole needs you to step aside from the bulky data and follow your intuition.