
Student Corner

Science can explain what I believe

Written by: Dhendup Norphel Sherpa - 23020, Grade XI

Posted on: 18 April, 2022

I believe that given enough time and resources, scientists would be ready to form a group of mathematical models that describe how matter and energy (and substance and dark energy) behave in time and space (including any necessary warping of your time and space) within the absence of external forces. This is how the Universe behaves within the absence of interference from things apart from matter, energy, time and space. 

Scientific theory is the reason behind that science is able to explain the behavior up to a collection of probabilities. At the size of individuals, these probabilities can often be quite accurate because they involve averages over large numbers of such probabilities. At the amount of subatomic particles, they cannot be accurate for features that don't seem to be continuously observed.One thing that may be difficult for science to elucidate is the set of laws of nature that it's proposed. Pick anyone, perhaps the law that says "Every object in an exceedingly state of uniform motion tends to stay therein state of motion unless an external force is applied to that." This law may be a statement about the behavior of matter, energy, time, and space but it's not itself composed of matter or energy nor does it occupy space. It is not littered with the passage of your time (the assertion is that it's true for all times). It may be translated into many languages, so it doesn't depend upon a selected arrangement of sounds or symbols. I am not at this time worried about whether the law itself is true or false, merely about its existence. To be sure, after I am brooding about the law it involves the movement of chemicals and charges in my brain and these motions can be said to be operating under the law. Any written statement of the law involves such things also. But the law itself exists beyond any of those.Even so, we are left with a quite serious problem when trying to claim that science can explain everything. 

Let me back up and come at this issue very carefully.Let me start by describing what current scientific theories state about the limits on what can be known. I will then state what I believe science will be able to explain. Then I want to state the myth in its most direct form and show that it makes no sense.The very purpose of the term “science” is an explanation for everything. If perfect knowledge could somehow be obtained then the universe and everything in it could be explained by the holder of that knowledge.