
Student Corner

Life: A Mixture of Sweetness and Bitterness

Written by: Niharika Shrestha - 22022, Grade XII

Posted on: 15 April, 2022

Everyone says life is beautiful and I guess we all agree with this statement, but sometimes it is important to accept that life is not full of happiness or beauty, flaws come within, and those flaws can be in the form of challenges, obstacles, or in any form.The ultimate thing is that too is its beauty. When we accept the flaws and work on them, then life is in fact really beautiful. Life gives us both, strawberries and lemons. It is upon us how we deal with the sweetness and bitterness of our life. Too much sweetness and too much bitterness both can hamper us. So, it is important to maintain a balance in life. 


Talking about my life, it is going really well. I have been busy with studies these days so there isn't much time to think about things beyond my studies and proceed with some change and regret over it. Keeping ourselves busy can really change the way we look after our life. I feel like productivity is the key to being happy in my life. The days when I am productive are always the happy ones. The feeling of checking off all the things on my to-do list before going to bed is the best thing ever. The satisfaction and happiness are unreal. But at the same time, it is important to take a rest. In the past, if I ever took some rest I felt like I was leading myself towards failure. Sometimes, it is okay to do nothing, lay in bed, and scroll through the phone all day long. Our body not only needs physical rest but also mental rest. As I am growing up, I am realizing the importance of rest and I am always trying to forgive my younger self for thinking I was a failure whenever I did nothing productive. We often compare our life with others but we don't realize everyone has a different story. Comparing is good, but it should be only with our past self and present self. This makes us grow, change and also brings more happiness into our life. Life is also all about being smart and dumb at the same time. Dumb people are way happier in life because they don't care about others’ opinions and are carefree. So, it is important to do the things we love and enjoy without being affected by what others think. One shouldn’t be affected by others' opinions always. The final decision must rely on yourself. Every day is a new day so we should focus on the present rather than regretting the past and thinking about the future. Growing up, we’ve always been listening to everyone’s advice to live in the present and enjoy every single moment. Life is short and we never know what’s going to happen tomorrow. So, rather than spending time hating others and gossiping about others' lives, we should focus on our own business and focus on our growth.


Life is like an orange. Orange has a mixture of both sweetness and bitterness. So, life is not always sunny and is not always rainy. It is important to be grateful on our sunny days and learn to not give up on our rainy days. Blessings make us happy and satisfied and battles make us stronger. So, we should be thankful for not only the blessings but also the battles of our life.