
Student Corner


Written by: Diya Shrestha - 22032, Grade XII

Posted on: 08 April, 2022

“Time and Tide wait for none”, the essence of the proverb is to utilize the time.If we cannot utilize time, we are not going to achieve anything in our life and succeed. Time is the most valuable entity, being an intellectual being we must have at least a general idea how to utilize time at its fullest in the correct possible way. Like, no one in this world can control the rising and falling of a tide on the ocean or sea, Time is just like that, it is beyond anyone’s control. The more you wish to catch, the more it runs away. Time has its own way and moves accordingly. We are the ones who can utilize it wisely. The opportunity given to us by nature itself and even our education, intellect we must use our conscience to manage time and use it correctly. The time lost once is lost forever. So, we should always utilize the time in the correct order and go accordingly. We should be ever on the look-out to seize time by forelock.

With time everything is possible, so we should not waste even a movement. The amount of dedication we show towards utilizing the time in return will pay us for sure. Time is the most important factor in our life. We should not postpone any work for the future, we should plan and act in the present. “Now or never” should be our motto. We should be careful about our duties, and be very far from procrastination. We should not spend much time on amusements and games. We must be focused on our goals that help to shape our life further and make us stand with some dignity. We should do our duty punctually. Punctuality is a great virtue, success in life depends on the right use of the time. Successful people have mastered the art of time management. That is why they have achieved a certain feat in their life and are renowned. 

A student should study hard in his student life, he must utilize his time during that period, if he does not study properly in this stage, he may have to regret later in his/her life. A sick person should be treated in time, otherwise he/she may lose his/her life. A farmer should sow seeds in the suitable season, otherwise he may not get a harvest. It is impossible to reclaim time after it is passed. In conclusion, the individual who is upto managing time and focused more on his study, career, education will have a better life. Time is Money, the way one uses time helps them to get the highest reward but the thing one should always have in his/her mind is Money can’t buy Time .