
Student Corner

Consistency: An Important Factor in Life

Written by: Aditya Majhi - 22006, Grade XII

Posted on: 07 April, 2022

What is consistency? What is the power of consistency? 

The state of being constant like its value or the way doesn’t change is consistency. We all are consistent in something. We have been doing a lot and mostly we are consistent in that. “Change” is very difficult for some people, so mostly we like to go on with similar things, most people follow a fixed routine life; it doesn't go fast or slow. Time is consistent for all. We become consistent because of many reasons, one can be setting goals to achieve in the near future. Let's take an example of exam preparation which is going to be held in one month and an average person needs to be consistent to achieve the feat of being good at that and sort all the readings, questions and make a mark in his/her result. He/she must be consistent in reading. To achieve something we need to be consistent.  


We know that we have different problems in our life, they can challenge us and put us in such a difficult situation where we even want to give up. These hardships and difficulties tend to lead us towards being inconsistent but to do something in our life we must dismantle that and move ahead with consistency if we want to achieve the feat. Inconsistency equals being unproductive and that is one bad day in our life. Life is all about achievements, breathing is not the life that we seek for, but if we are not focused towards our goal, be consistent we may deviate from the path and ultimately life becomes a sort of burden. Consistency even helps us to have self-control in our life, it helps us to track our dissatisfactions, lackness and improvise us to achieve our goals.


We need motivation to be consistent, and being motivated makes people consistent. I think the best way to be consistent is that one should focus on today, complete their errands on time and not bother to think about tomorrow. The power of consistency is that one might feel incomplete even when they are on leave. Every day when you are consistent makes you a better person than yesterday.


Taking an example of a bodybuilder, it is a tough and much hard work needed thing but if a bodybuilder cheats for a week they end up being out of shape and they will need another two weeks to be in former shape. One can get motivated by bodybuilders as they are very disciplined and consistent. Consistency makes a person disciplined.