
Student Corner


Written by: Samyak Baniya - 23037, Grade XI

Posted on: 06 April, 2022

Since you  and I are  “busy” , I'll try and keep this post concise. Very busy. It's one of the primary ways in which we communicate our importance toward others. If we're not busy, we're not important, right?


I've discovered that even the most productive and successful people I have ever met are indeed busy, but you'd never know it. They have access to time others do not. And, while you may not get much of their attention, once you do, it's indeed undivided. They are fully present and make the most out of every interaction. No multitasking because it's just as awful as blowing you off completely.

Most of us waste our time. We waste our valuable time on things we shouldn't. As a result, we have less time to spend wisely on things that really matter. This could include improving our skill set, pursuing a passion , investing in a hobby, or actually spending more time with the people we care most about .

Why do most of us waste time and have to go out of our way of telling others how busy we are? Because we have come to glorify being busy as a culture. We've all been tricked into thinking that just being busy implies we're important. That, unfortunately, is not really the case.

Being busy isn't cool.

Being busy leads us all to be rushed, which in turn causes short-sightedness, expands blind spots, amplifies thoughtless mistakes, and results in missed opportunities which we can recuperate from. 

So, the next time you find yourselves apologizing to anyone by not being able to meet them, meet the deadlines respond to them, or simply acknowledge their existence because you've been so busy, consider the REAL message you're sending them:

1)  My time is way more important than yours.

2) I'm awful at managing my time.

3) I want you to judge me on how busy I am vs how productive I am.

4) You are not really a priority, or at least what you really want to talk to me about isn't.