
Student Corner

Do you actually need to exercise/workout?

Written by: Darshan Mainali - 22007, Grade XII

Posted on: 06 April, 2022

Humans have progressed a lot in the fields of science and technology or can say they have par intellectually in comparison to the earlier period,are very busy and confined within their errands but along with that lot of progression they are even suffering from different health issues. To cope with the health issues, Exercising or working out is considered as important, which will help humans to lead a healthy and happy life. The better health of an individual wholly relies on his diet and his work out schedule.

Exercising shouldn't be taken as a burden rather it should be cultivated in oneself as a virtuous habit. It should be the part of every individual in today’s busy and “ popular culture” context. People may have misconceptions regarding diet and exercises, there should be awareness programs that must attract and motivate individuals towards workout.

There aren't any age restrictions to working out or exercising. Regular physical activities such as jumping,running,cycling is also considered as an exercise as it helps to keep your muscles and bones strong as well as keep you away from any kind of heart disease. If an individual has any queries or thoughts on about where to start working out, s/he can join a gym for instance. There are trainers in the gym who help you to exercise and let your muscles grow the proper way. 

When it comes to working out, one must not feel lackadaisical or forfeit his workout schedule. Consistency is the key if one wants to achieve his/her dream body. Said that, one or two rest days in a week is also as important as working out. When someone lifts heavy weights or tries to carry out any kinds of body weights, his/her muscles feel sore and tearing of tissues ensue. During rest the body cells help the tissue to heal and evolve the muscles. 

In this generation, the food that we intake is produced using additives and preservatives which gradually affects the digestive system of the human body. Maintaining a healthy diet is as important as working out or exercising. Muscles and bones cannot grow or strengthen without receiving necessary proteins, calcium, carbohydrates or in whole the proper diet. One needs to be aware of the dietary plan and foods.  

Hence, working out, exercising and maintaining a healthy diet is very important to keep oneself fit, healthy and active. And looking at today's context we must get motivated and keep motivating others.