
Student Corner

My Childhood Truth

Written by: Kirtan Poudyal - 23024, Grade XI

Posted on: 05 April, 2022

There was a time when moon followed me

Now knowing the truth, different moon I see

Television used to show me the future 

Wanted doraemon's time machine to travel to future


Thought spiders could make me superhero

For me valueless number was zero

Swallowing a seed could grow tree inside me

Thought dogs were he and cats were she


Floor could turn to lava and bed was safe

Adult could do everything themself

Thought clouds were a huge floating cotton

Almonds could make me remember everything that was forgotten


I thought clothes hid intentionally

To make mom  yell at me brutally

Collection of balloons could make me fly

Elder siblings were made to make us cry


I though teachers lived at school

Having many wrestling cards would make me cool

I could sleep all I want if I grow up

Knowing the actual truth is tough