
Student Corner

ELECTRICITY: An important form of energy

Written by: Diya Shrestha - 22032, Grade XII

Posted on: 01 April, 2022

Science and technology have bestowed upon us as one of the most priceless gifts: electricity. People require electricity to function in their daily lives. People will be in significant trouble and inconvenience if the electrical supply is interrupted for a short time. Michael Faraday, an Englishman, was the first to develop the use of electricity in 1831. Thomas Edison, an American scientist, created the incandescent lamp and the light bulb in 1878. Technology has advanced at a dizzying pace in recent years.

Science has so far generated two forms of electricity: static and current. Static: It is impossible to transfer static electricity from one thing to another or from one location to another. Static electricity is the opposite of current electricity. A wire is used to transport it to other locations. Electricity is used for various purposes nowadays. There are various ways of producing electricity: water, air, sunlight or even nuclear energy. Here in Nepal we primarily produce using natural resources i.e. water. The method is known as white coal or hydroelectricity. Other methods of producing are very expensive in comparison to hydroelectricity.

Electricity is widely used for a variety of things, including providing heat, light, and power. Science has now established many electric appliances such as heaters, geysers, induction, and so on. Electricity also powers streetlights, trains, printing presses, and huge machines. Electricity may be a nice helper if used properly as fires

and explosions have been known to occur because of it. Many individuals are electrocuted and die because of the electricity. It requires knowledge and abilities to utilize correctly. In many instances, inappropriate power consumption has resulted in significant loss and destruction.

It is widely utilized in many countries. Nepal is still lagging other countries in terms of power development. Electricity is still unavailable in most of the rural parts. Many rivers flow down the mountains in our land, their water can be trapped and used to create energy for the country. One of the most effective ways of supporting the villages; growth is to provide them with power. In many parts of our nation, power is very expensive, therefore individuals living in poverty are unable to use it. Compared to the past, there haven’t been many power cuts since the electrical authority is operating properly.

Electricity usage is expected to rise in different areas of the nation as time goes on. Country is seeing an increase in the number of electrical engineers and technicians. As a result, the rate of development is speeding. There will be more services for people if we can make more use of natural resources.