
Student Corner

Memories I have created in life so far

Written by: Ankit Sapkota - 23008, Grade XI

Posted on: 30 March, 2022

Life is a long journey and we are travelers. All of us observe many things and learn a lot from them. We have been facing the struggle since our childhood and will continue till we are here. It has been a great journey so far through which  I’ve been able to know what happiness,joy and sorrow actually mean and also been able to make a lot of memories. Being a younger son from a family,it is sure that I was a pampered child but besides that I was strong enough to control myself.

Memories are what makes you alive when you have nothing with you. I always have learned from my grandmother that even if you don't have your loved ones beside you, your memories are there to make you happy and feel better. Memories don't mean the happiest part of your life. It can be anything, even the saddest and hardest part of your life. Memories are just a blessing which makes you clear of each and every action you are going to make in future. It can sometimes be a savior which will save you from your mistakes. Memories which I love most today are the memories I created with my parents, my friends and my achievements.My memories with my parents always make me feel closer to them and to love and care for them. My friends have been an important part of life whether in school or college and I have created the best memories of my life with them. Words aren’t enough to describe the memories that I have created or experienced till date,they are really amazing. Whenever I ponder over those memories it energizes me to move ahead and achieve things and enjoy life to the fullest.. The memory of going on a savage ride with those idiot friends gives me some different excitement, cracking jokes and making the laugh out is thing what I prefer doing, spending years journey with the friends and knowing and year bring a fast heart beat but again  remembering that our bond is going to last forever gives me a real happiness. Even though we might not be able to meet again, the memories we have created being together will always remain within me in my heart and my brain. I know even if I remember we can't be together like before but each time I remember the moments I cherish those memories. Memories of my achievements encourage me to follow my dreams and will always act as a motivating factor to achieve the feat and this always makes me feel better.

Finally, I want to say that live your life to the fullest, create memories and don't just wait for someone to create the memories for you because the memories can't be created as your wish, it becomes memories when it is connected with your emotions.