
Student Corner


Written by: Arya Tharu - 22006, Grade XII

Posted on: 25 March, 2022

Humanity can be defined from a lot of perspectives. One of the familiar definitions can be defined as the quality or nature of any human being, kind and caring for other beings. But it is not certain that this quality is possessed by every human. We have a lot of examples from the past as well as in the present about the cruelty by humans, also there are many incidents of inhumanity. 

Humanity is one of the features of the people which makes people different from other creatures. It is a value or quality that only human beings can attain, own and bind all people together. People like Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa and many more have given their lives for the sake of humanity. They serve poor people and needy ones for basic needs to their rights around the world in their entire life. They cared and helped people unconditionally without having any sort of expectations. Humanity comes from the unselfish act without any expectation, discrimination and prejudice.

The world today is more technical, straightforward due to various factors like money, power, self-love, etc. which is causing human beings to lose humanity. People these days are so indifferent towards others and are more focused towards their personal growth. Nowadays, Humans are treating other people with hate, disgust. Humans are discriminating against each other on the basis of their appearance, gender, castes. People have become so fake that they pretend to have the nature of humanity for getting attention in social media or fame which is causing the human unbearable.

In this cruel world, Humanity is a characteristic that all people should have. And people should understand that serving the needy is the greatest thing. It needs to be encouraged and prioritized so that human beings will be far from violence. It is very important in today’s scenario for the existence of human beings and upcoming generations.