
Student Corner


Written by: Aditya Majhi - 22004, Grade XII

Posted on: 22 March, 2022

Inspiration feels like motivation about doing something, it also helps to grow. In this world, we are just inspired by doing something in life. The way people think is very different from others, like if someone wants to be a businessman they will be inspired by a businessman, if someone wants to be a bodybuilder he/she will be inspired by a bodybuilder who has given their life to achieve a feat in bodybuilding, they will look for hard work and dedication they did for winning or becoming the champion. We always dream about having a good life. This is also an inspiration because this motivates us to achieve it. 

Talking about today’s scenario, we all need some motivation to do something so that we can be better than our past. Inspiration is in one sense an abstract idea as it is not solely confined to one object or idea.Some people get inspiration from philosophies, books, and many others can be from movies, media, music, games, and many more. People get motivated and be an inspiration for someone. We need to be inspired by someone. By becoming inspired we can be even more creative and more successful.

We need to get inspired and have the power to do something and be someone who can set an example for others. To be an inspiration for someone we have to do something that can motivate them to achieve that feat. We need to be the same as a superhero or something like that. We might think that superheroes are real and we behave like them after watching, which can be also said as inspiration.