
Student Corner

Animal Testing Should be Banned

Written by: Himani Bhattarai - 24011, Grade X

Posted on: 22 March, 2022

Animal testing can be defined as activity performed on animals for research. Animal testing causes a great suffering and pain to the animals. Many animals are tortured and killed in the name of  research. Yes, I do agree with the fact that animal testing provides valuable knowledge on their body and helps to contribute in development as well but in my opinion killing animals and torturing them in the name of research is not good and government should ban animal testing or create a limit for the researchers to perform those activities. 

Animal testings are inhuman acts performed by the researchers that includes harming and torturing animals in many ways. For example: feeding poisonous food, making them inhale toxic gases, bisecting their organs when they are still alive etc. Animal testing is mostly done for human safety. Animals are tested with new vaccines before humans. Researchers check whether it will be effective or cause harm to humans. But we cannot guarantee that the vaccine or any other product will show the same effect on humans as well. Due to these tests and experiments many animals lose their lives. It might give us estimation on how the product will work out on human beings but they cannot determine the long term effects. In some cases animal testing are way to cruel. We have heard many news about animal testing failures. In some cases if the testing is done inappropriately it can show negative effects on not only animals but in humans and the environment as well. Animal testing is also very time consuming.  Many products that are tested on animals are not even used yet. As the structure of the human body is different from most of the animals the results are not even valid for the human test and use. Animals are not the only way to test products in order to know if they are suitable for humans. We can use alternate methods of animal testing instead. One of the most popular alternative to animal testing is Vitro method. In this method human cells are used for research purposes. It is one of the most reliable methods to perform various researches on humans and is far better than torturing animals for human benefits.

I agree that animal testing benefits humans in many ways but we should not neglect its negative effects. Just because it helps us does not mean we should perform inhuman acts on animals. In my opinion testing on animals is never normal as it causes great suffering to the animals. It’s not even 100% reliable. We have seen animal testing failures and it even created negative impacts on humans ane environment. Any benefits that animals provide to humans can be obtained in other ways as well. Harming animals is never a good option. So i think it is wrong to perform cruel experiments on animals and animal testing should either be banned or be limited and the researchers should not go over board and harm animals in the name of animal testing and ecperiment.