
Student Corner

Role of IT during Covid-19 lockdown

Written by: Shreyash Vaidya - 23042, Grade XI

Posted on: 21 March, 2022

When the world was entering into a brand new year, as usual, everybody was thrilled to welcome the year 2020. However, the whole world was shocked and saddened that no one could have expected such an incident would occur. Instead of a happy and prosperous year, it was converted into a sad and dreadful year. It was Covid-19, the prime culprit which forced the entire globe in the standstill situation. This disease was spread so widely and rapidly due to which, almost all countries had to urge for lockdown. Everywhere there was death, infection, terror, panic and horror thus, this pandemic pushed people around the globe to stay in their homes due to fear of life threatening risk of this disease. Even though, in the midst of the chaos, fear and confusion, one sector was alive and functional. Information Technology (IT) is that sector which was playing a very important role in maintaining a sense of normality during these difficult circumstances. 


What is IT?

Information Technology (IT) was, is, and will be a vital tool for helping us every time. Before understanding the roles of IT, it is extremely essential to know about IT itself. Information Technology is a vast subject but in short it is the process of disseminating information using various technologies. The concept of IT first appeared in a 1958 article published in the Harvard Business Review. 

IT has gone through several breakthroughs and advancements over the years and it has infiltrated every part of our daily lives. Since it was introduced, it is making our lives smooth, easy and comfortable. Hence, nowadays, it is considered as one of the essential components for humankind, therefore it is included in every sector, where technology is imposed. Likewise, its importance was even more precisely recognized during the period of pandemic. Here are some major sectors that were benefited by IT during the spread of Covid-19. 


Healthcare System

During the period of Covid-19 pandemic, the healthcare system was almost in a collapsing situation. Every hospital across the globe was filled with seriously infected patients. It was almost impossible to visit hospitals or health centers for checkups to identify the symptoms of the disease. Due to the lockdown, it was very difficult to acquire medicines from pharmacies. Even so, many lives were saved by acquiring medical facilities and medicines by using online technologies. It was the IT sector, which played a vital role during the extremely difficult situation as well. The Healthcare sector was immensely benefited by the IT sector during that time. 

Dissemination of information

The IT sector has enabled people around the world to disseminate information promptly and conveniently. During the pandemic, it became so useful and beneficial to us. Thus, almost every country immensely utilized the IT sector to spread the news related to Covid-19. Information about scientific breakthroughs, preventive measures, and medications were frequently dispersed by using different mediums like websites and communication applications, which helped save the lives of millions of people. 

The World Health Organization (WHO) created websites to display updates and top stories regarding Covid-19. Globally governmental and non-governmental organizations were continuously involved in social media in an attempt to inform people about the latest updates and information about the pandemic. This quick response played a major role to increase public awareness about its effect, preventive measures and medication. This was made possible only by information technology. Hence, information technology played a vital role in the dissemination of information.



Education plays a vital role in the development of an individual, society and the country. While numerous vital needs are being addressed, the most important factor that we need to keep in mind is education. However, during the pandemic, all educational institutions around the globe were forced to shut down.

Even though there was a negative impact of the deadly pandemic, the good news was it couldn't stop the field of education. Many schools, colleges, and universities around the world were running virtual classes. It was possible only due to the presence of the IT sector. This sector was used to create alternative ways of learning through digital technologies. By using different platforms it could successfully continue the flow of the education system. The students of all age groups highly benefited without any interruption. 



Nowadays, the world of business finds itself relying heavily on IT for its smooth operation. When the virus began spreading rapidly, supply chains and human resources were heavily affected in a negative way. During the lockdown, the business sector was badly hampered, even multinational companies were badly affected. Likewise, the tourism sector also totally collapsed. However, somehow due to the presence of the IT sector, business could operate through e-commerce. As well as, the business sector took advantage by advertising their products on different websites to attract more online customers. It also provided an advantage to the consumers to purchase different goods and services through e-commerce. 



Since we were affected by the pandemic in a longer term, we lacked to consider something that affected us in a shorter term. Since we are social creatures, it is important for us to get connected with each other to those people who are very close towards us. As social isolations and quarantines continued for a longer period of time, many people found themselves devoid from human contact. However, it was extremely essential for staying in touch with friends and family for good mental health. 

While technology is depicted as a metaphor for the prevention of socialization, during the pandemic, we relied heavily on it in order to stay connected with people who are close to us. IT was the main sector that provided connection to us through different technologies, websites and applications.