
Student Corner

Animals should not be used for scientific experimentation

Written by: Manisha Gurung - 22030, Grade XII

Posted on: 18 March, 2022

Science is ready to prove that nothing is impossible in this universe. And they are searching for new theories, new medicine, new experiments, and trying to give us a new life. But for that, Scientists are using animals for their experiments which is absolutely a bad idea. Humans and animals are both living creatures and there shouldn't be any difference in treating them as pain and fear are the qualities we both share.

The testing of products and experimental processes on animals is completely unnecessary because viable alternatives are available. There is no need to cause pain and suffering to innocent animals when sophisticated computer systems, mathematical models, human tissue and cell cultures, and more focused medical studies can also show us what happens to our bodies during disease. So, why do we only think of harming animals? Our scientific experiment violates the rights of an animal. We should know Humans and all animals don’t always react in the same way to a drug. If the experiment passes tests on animals and fails on humans then, what about those animals who sacrifice their life?

According to data collected by F. Barbara Orlans for her book, In the Name of Science: Issues in Responsible Animal Experimentation, sixty percent of  animals are used in testing biomedical research and product-safety testing. Animals feel the same pain and suffering that humans do. Researchers say, their responses to pain are virtually alike(both humans and animals scream, for example). However, many people believe that animal testing is justified because the animal's life is sacrificed to make products safer for human use and consumption, really? Experimental animals are virtually tortured to death, and all of these experiments are done in the interest and advantage of human welfare, without any thought to how the animals are treated. 

Recently, I heard the news that a pig’s heart was transplanted into a human and we humans are happy with that, stop it! If we just use animals for our benefit then, one day, there will be no animals in this universe. Why are people being more crucial day by day? Why are they not thinking about the animals’ lives? They don’t have the right to survive? They also have their family. They also feel pain but humans are just thinking about their life. Today is just about pigs, tomorrow will be other animals. Remember! Our ecosystem is a combination of both animals and humans. If we only think about humans, then animals’ lives will be in a danger zone. Still, some people think that animal testing is acceptable and satisfactory because animals are lower species than humans and therefore have no rights. These individuals feel that animals have no rights because they cannot understand and they think or knowingly exercise these kinds of activities where animals are treated badly for only human’s benefit . However, animal tests in medical research and cosmetics testing cannot be justified on the basis that they are lower on the evolutionary chart than humans since animals resemble humans in many things, and that doesn't mean we should use animals for our experiments.

In conclusion, animal testing should be eliminated because it violates animals' rights, it causes pain and suffering to the animals. They should be treated with full respect and dignity because we are also a type of animal.