
Student Corner

LIFE: An Experience

Written by: Ashna Shrestha - 23064, Grade XI

Posted on: 18 March, 2022

Life is never easy. Everyday the wheel of life spins at different axes. Each axis presents us an unused perspective demanding an impeccable aim and leading us to a remarkable dream. As our life progresses, we are either left astound by miracles or dumbfounded by unexpected things. Life, enriched with mysteries and struggles, follows us as our shadow. The one who can pass by all the mysteries and withstand the struggles of life is categorized as a hero. 

Life is a struggle. Every struggle in our life has shaped us into the person who we are today. Without struggle, we can't get satisfaction of being who we are. Those who struggle can succeed and be the finest ones. Struggle is the secret of man's progress. Earlier human beings lived in jungles and caves. Life was not much different and better than the animals. But the human beings were not satisfied with their conditions. They had a strong determination to move forward and progress. Though the path to progress was difficult, they struggled against adversaries. 

After a long painful struggle, humans prospered. They invented tools, built houses and went to the moon. The achievements were achieved through humans' hard work and unending struggle. The fruits of the world are for those who work and work hard. Those who walk to reach their destination but those who stand and stare are left behind. This era is very competitive. Goal cannot be met until people work hard. Additionally, they must mind that there is no shortcut to success. But the misfortune is that we don't want to succeed as much as we want to be cool. We don't want to succeed as much as we want to sleep. But it's the fact that we can't be successful until we want it as we want to breathe. The world is not a pleasure resort. We are not on a pleasure trip. If we desire to be happy living here, then we must struggle. We all are going to face difficulties. So, it's all in your hand, how you want your life to be.