
Student Corner

Molestation: A Sexual Abuse

Written by: Krishma Thapa - 27005, Grade VII

Posted on: 18 March, 2022

Molestation is sexual abuse done by a person upon another person. It is usually known as Sexual abuse. If someone touches your sensitive or private parts and makes you uncomfortable it is referred to as molestation. The person who is molesting forces or takes advantage of another person without their consent. Not only women, even men and children are molested.


How do they feel?How uncomfortable are they?None think about it.They are scared to go out alone.Not only girls and boys are uncomfortable too.They all go through a lot.Its a nightmare for anyone who has gone through it..They feel left out and think about that incident throughout their lives and make them feel constantly down and scared. Most of them are afraid to share what actually happened to them knowing how the society would in return blame the survivor.The society we live in is very toxic for all. But now gradually times are changing for us. Survivors who has gone through sexual abuses are coming out and have started to share their stories, their traumatic experiences and how they are living with it. Society has few percent of people who actually are empathic and take these issues sensitively.

If we go through the same we should not hesitate to share it.We may not be comfortable with all but can share it with whom we are comfortable with.If we keep this thing inside us we will always feel low as always and can't do the best. 

The young children, both boys and girls, should be taught about bad touch and good touch, about consent and boundaries from a very young age.