
Student Corner

An Orphan Girl

Written by: Shreyasa Dongol - 30032, Grade IV

Posted on: 18 March, 2022

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Mary. She was an orphan. She lived in an orphanage house. Every day she used to cry and miss her parents. One day, she met a girl named Jammy and they became very good friends. After that day Mary started to live happily in the orphanage. Both of them used to do everything together: eating, playing, reading etc. They were like little sisters. They used to take care of each other. One Morning, Mary did not see Jammy. She looked for her everywhere, but she did not find her. Later, she knew that one family had adopted Jammy last night. Then, Mary got angry with everybody there. She was angry with Jammy also because Jammy did not inform her while leaving the orphanage.  She cried the whole day and did not even eat food. On the 3rd day. Mary heard the car horn. She looked outside and saw her best friend inside the car. She was happy to see Jammy but did not come out because Mary remembered how Jammy betrayed her by leaving the orphanage. Later the manager called Mary and told her that one family wanted to adopt her. Fortunately, they were the same family who adopted Jammy. The family said that Jammy had been crying the whole time and requested them to adopt her best friend Mary too. Then Mary and Jammy said sorry and hugged each other and left the orphanage happily with their new parents.