
Student Corner


Written by: Aayush Raj Upadhyay - 23005, Grade XI

Posted on: 16 March, 2022

Crippled by wisdom 
Finds an endless voyage
With wet wings.
Flapping his lash filled with tears 
to find happiness in lightweight.
He gave up his madness.
To love a girl
in a scream of clouds .
And thunders breathing
impeding the tolling bell 
in a decorated temple
arranged of bricks collected by 
beaks of a bluebird.
Insane voices of  passion
raised by the loving regiment
or a group of men 
who promises to live 
against the dying law
and holds the hand 
even after a butchered head.
Echoes of pity affection 
crawling over the ruthless soul
undeniable words
at the edge of existence 
roots are waved and
leaves are fallen 
enchanting alleys of raindrops  
they warned. 
Autumn is coming and yet
you won't be alive.
Bluebird died and
achieved her love 
resting in peace 
with an assurance of eternity.