
Student Corner

Revisiting Covid Days

Written by: Pradnesh Singh Basnet - 27015, Grade VII

Posted on: 16 March, 2022

When covid-19 was first discovered on  31st of December, 2019, there were fewer people infected with it, but 2 months later in February Due to the mass spread of covid-19 the governments all around the world started to keep their country on lockdown for their safety and the safety of their nation. 2 months later on February 11th, the official lockdown began all around the world. Their world faced a lot of problems like shortage of food and other daily products like toilet paper, etc. Not only this but people also lost their jobs. This inspired people to start their own companies. The year when covid-19 started, I joined a new School called Sifal Secondary School (Deerwalk). When I was admitted to this school, 2 weeks later due to covid lockdown began and like every other school even my school went to lockdown, and we started having online classes,  for about 4 months lockdown continued and when covid was just being under control a new variant of corona appeared, this went on for 7 to 8 months and after that schools, shopping malls, etc started to open, right when everything was going well and when my 6th-grade finale term was just around the corner me and 4 of my family members were tested positive, it was not safe for use to stay at home as my grandmother, sister and brother were still negative so my grandfather contacted A.P.F hospital and got rooms for us, my father informed the situation to my school and I had to do my exam online. I didn't have any symptoms of covid yet when I got tested positive, but my mother and father had almost all the symptoms and the doctors even needed to use medication. We stayed for about a month there everything was going fine but then slowly the smell of medicines made us feel dizzy, we finally got tested negative and then we returned home. After reaching home I got my results of exam, I got lucky and it was a vacation during that time and lockdown was also a little bit settled, so I got a chance to visit my cousins when we went to my cousins we had a plan to stay there for couple of days and during that time we had a barbeque, played tons of sports like basketball, football, etc, we even played online games together during that time our older cousin had just arrived from USA so we even got to spend a lot of time, after a month our school reopened and I was in grade 7th now, our school continued for bit of time but then due to covid spreading again about three months later even our school needed to start online classes, but the online class did not last that long it only went on for 1 month and our school started again, from this time everything was going just fine and even almost every school started to have physical classes, after a week or so my father got a little sick and my family members thought that he got covid, but when we took him for checkup it was just common cold, and after taking some medicines finally he had recovered. During this time my family and I went to different places for visits and also went to watch some movies, this is all the experience I had during this covid.