
Student Corner

Sneaking Back to Past: Narrative From My Mother

Written by: Sauharda Bajracharya - 26010, Grade VIII

Posted on: 15 March, 2022

My mother is 53 years old and 50 years ago, countries were not as developed. My mother was born in Nepal but raised in India. My grandfather was in the Indian Army, and he used to have postings in different parts of India and Nepal. There was no telephone, no television and it was not as developed as it is now. Telephones and televisions only came to India when my mother was 15 years old. If you had to contact them, you would have to write a letter or use telegram. Letter was written if you had to send any information inside the country whereas telegram was written if you had to send any information outside the country. 

 India was more developed than Nepal. When my mother came back to Kathmandu, there were almost no vehicles. One vehicle came every one hour, and life was very hard. There was no freedom back then, if men and women were seen talking then the society would judge them and doubt them. When my mother returned to India again, she used to live in camps in Nagaland. She used to do animal husbandry, her mother was a cancer patient and her mother spent most of her life in hospital. She got married in Nepal at age 21. My grandfather was a jeweller and my father got involved in the same business at age 25. There were very few houses here, there used to be more open space. People used to bet land and my grandfather also bet lands and he lost many of his lands.  

 If you compare today’s modern life and the past lives, so much has changed. The education system was very poor in the past, transportation services were very less, monarchy was present and most importantly, the internet was not there. Nowadays, life has become very easy, the education system is much better, transportation services are more reliable, democracy is here, and internet too. There was no internet in Nepal until 1993. Can you imagine we have come all this way and it's just 2022?