
Student Corner

Trip to Chandragiri

Written by: Deeva Shrestha - 28016, Grade VI

Posted on: 14 March, 2022

It all started after a few days of the winter vacation. Out of nowhere my mom and dad decided to go to Chandragiri. I was so thrilled and excited to go on the trip. We went to Chandragiri on Friday and returned home on Saturday.

 I packed all the necessary items and my clothes for the trip. As I was excited, I couldn’t really sleep at night. Then the day came. My parents went to their offices and they came home. While my parents were working, I was reading books and writing articles at home. My parents arrived home in the afternoon, and we left home to go to Chandragiri. We went to Chandragiri using my father’s vehicle, a car. During the car ride, my sister and I were chit-chatting and gossiping about random things. After some time, my sister fell asleep because of boredom. I also got bored because my sister had fallen asleep and I had no one to talk to. So, I listened to some music.

 After about an hour, we reached Chandragiri. I was so happy and thrilled because I had finally reached Chandragiri. And I also found out that my parent’s friends were also there, so I became more excited. It was almost evening when we reached there. We bought some popcorn to eat. The popcorn was so delicious and tasty. Then we went to ride the cable cars. I was kind of scared to ride it. But nevertheless, I had to do it so when I sat inside the cable car I was getting anxious. In the middle of the ride, I was kind of scared so I started screaming and my parents and their friends were chuckling so I got embarrassed. During the whole ride, we were talking and enjoyed the view of the hills.

 After some time we finally reached the other side. Then we went to the hotel to book our rooms. We went inside our rooms and left our luggage inside the room. Then we went out to eat dinner. We ate lots of yummy and delicious foods. We also took lots of pictures. After finishing our dinner, we went back to our hotel rooms. My parent’s friends came to our room. My parents and their friends played cards and I, my sister and my friend who is my parent’s friend’s daughter told scary stories and funny stories also. And after hours of playing and chit-chatting, we finally went to sleep.

 The next day and also the last day we woke up a little early. Then we freshened up and we went to enjoy the Jacuzzi which was near the hotel. After some time, we got out of the Jacuzzi and then we changed our clothes and we ate our breakfast. The breakfast was so tasty. We ate pancakes, bacon, sausage, juice and much more. After eating our breakfast, we went to click more pictures and then we went to the Bhaleshwor Temple. We went inside the temple. The temple was beautifully decorated. We all prayed for blessings. There was a priest who gave us a tika and some flowers. Then we took pictures.

 After going to the temple, we went to play on the ground. There was a ziplining place and we decided to go for zip lining. First, my parent’s friends went zip lining my friend and then my father but I was kind of surprised because none of them got scared. But I have a fear of heights, so I was so nervous and scared that my hands were getting numb. I went to the tower where I had to put the safety ropes and I was almost crying because of frightfulness and nervousness. After getting the safety ropes I was pushed and I closed my eyes the entire time of the ride. So, I didn’t really see the view of the hills and playgrounds. Once the ride was finished, I was relieved that it had ended.

 My friend bought me a gift which was a small figure of the flag of Nepal. We took some more pictures and we returned to our hotel rooms. Then we went to eat our lunch. For lunch, we had delicious food. I had a burger, fries and a glass of juice. It was so tasty and appetizing. Then we went back to our hotel rooms to take some rest. After resting for some time, we packed our clothes and got ready to leave the hotel. I was a little bit sad because I had to leave Chandragiri. Then we left the hotel and went to ride the cable cars. While riding the cable car, I didn’t get nervous like last time.

 After the ride, we got out of the cable car and went outside. Before going, there was a fountain, so we took some pictures there. Then we returned home by car. During the whole ride, we were talking and had fun. When we reached our home, I was happy and sad. I was happy because I could finally go home but at the same time, I was sad because I had to leave Chandragiri. It was so fun and I want to go to Chandragiri again.