
Student Corner

My Little Sister

Written by: Kritish Chhetri - 30045, Grade IV

Posted on: 11 March, 2022

Sisters are a blessing for everyone in this world. Many of us have sisters whom we love unconditionally. Some have elder sisters while others have younger sisters. I have a younger sister. Her name is Krisha Chhetri. She is very cute. Her birthday falls on Dashain.  She is very smart. When someone comes, she does namaste to them. She likes to sit on a bike, scooter and bicycle.  My sister likes to play with me.  The first word that she spoke was 'Dada'. She says dada to others also. She loves everybody around her and makes them happy with her precious smile. She is the one who can easily make me laugh and she is the one who can effortlessly make me feel great. I find myself lucky to be her brother.