
Student Corner

Sexual Education Should be Mandatory in Schools

Written by: Remoon Gorkhali - 24004, Grade X

Posted on: 10 March, 2022

Sexual education is the education given to the adolescent groups which will give them some idea about safe sex pratices and diseases related to it and how to prevent.

Sexual education should be given in schools mandatorily as it will help them in the future. It should be given as children too get curious about things and they might do something without knowing anything about it. Yes it might be a sensitive issue but it will eventually help them in the future. Our society takes this topic as a taboo as they think that this topic is impure and should not be talked about but they need to understand that this education is needed for as a lot of people have unsafe sex and at an age which is not accapteable and sometimes the girl might get pregnant and they need to either abort it or the boy and girl need to take responsibility but as they are still underage they can not do it. It not only ruin’s the parents’ lives but the child’s as well. There are also cases where a person is sexually active with different people and they get STDs and it is transfered to other people. Sexual needs are a biological need so we should not be ashamed about it and get proper education about it. School is a place where we get ideas and help us determine our future path. It is a place where people learn to walk on the right path so we also need to know things like this so we do not end up on the wrong path. They need an idea of dealing with it and what not to do. They need to know about ovulation cycle, safe days, appropriate age for them to be involved with sexual activits and about STDs and how to identify it and how to prevent it. If it is taught in school then it will also help them discard some unconventional rumors about it. Sexual education is a powerful tool to combat violence, abuse and discrimination and to promote respect for diversity. Education is a priority, it should be taught properly so that there is no blunder in the future and so that this mistake may not harm the lives of other people. 

I would like to say that sex may be a sensitive topic especally in a country like ours but it is more important that some lives may be saved indirectly in the future and it also helps decrease the amount of people getting STDs.