
Student Corner

Drug Addiction

Written by: Shreejal Khatri - 22024, Grade XII

Posted on: 10 March, 2022

Drug addiction is like any other addiction, meaning being unable to leave the use of drugs. We all know what drugs are and they also help us when we get sick or have any malfunction in our body system. We know that we should only use drugs as prescribed from the medical team or a doctor. 

How do we get addicted to drugs then? Well it starts off like any other addiction, we try to just do it as just one time thing but sooner or later we just get caught in the never ending urge to want it more. Most people who are addicted to drugs have had some kind of a rough time in their past life like losing someone important to them or getting into a very toxic relationship following that having anxiety and depression are the top factors. As we all know there are various kinds of drugs and every drug does different things to our body. People tend to have drugs like pills and injections as a numbing technique. Ever felt relaxed after having a drug for healing coughs or common cold? Yes, those kinds of drugs tend to make us feel at ease and relaxed because they make our body feel very loose. And we only take the amount prescribed by our doctor and stop having it later on when the flu or disease has been eradicated. Now here comes the part where people tend to misuse it and use it at their own accord which is a one way trip to death. This is because they don’t know how much to take or should you even take them. All they know is that after taking a certain drug it makes them feel numb and relaxed. It is also a very good escape from reality meaning all the problems they are facing in life. It is like a medicine which makes you feel good only temporarily and will kill you slowly. That is why having this kind of addiction is very dangerous. 

This addiction is also one of the hardest to get rid of out of most addictions. Most people who are sent to rehab still fail to give the drugs up even after getting discharged. There are some people who have gone through many rehabs many times but still have failed to do it. This is because of a lack of backing down and just being fully consumed by the thought of when I will get another dose of those drugs. Not just normal people but many celebrities who we admire also go through such problems even if we don’t know anything about it. This mostly happens in case of Rappers. Drugs are not just cocaine or pill addictions there are other forms as well, another one of them is use of steroids. And if you didn’t know what steroids are then these are those kinds of drugs which help in building muscles and are highly used in the gym industries. Those gym shark athletes who you guys admire and want to be like them, they also tend to use drugs to enhance their muscles and overall performance to promote their products. From that, most of you might say that they are naturally but and have good genetics but yes I agree to some extent but looking at the unnatural progression of those athletes are just very doubtful. And of course they are not going to admit that they are using drugs because that will harm the industry and its sales. That is also the reason why they neither admit that they are natural nor do they admit that they use drugs. Due to that, those athletes are also kind of forced to use drugs because they need to be in shape to actually promote the products for the company. And slowly but gradually they also fall into the drug addiction trap. 

Am I saying that using drugs is bad? No that is false and all I am trying to say is that being addicted to it is bad and unhealthy. We need drugs to survive in today’s world as there are so many viruses and flu spreading and we need those drugs to help us stay safe but we should only use it as per medical prescription.