
Student Corner


Written by: Yunisha Pathak - 30043, Grade IV

Posted on: 10 March, 2022

Holi is a colourful festival celebrated by Hindus around the world. Holi is also known as Fagupurnina. It usually falls in the month of "Falgun". It is also a celebration of unity as it brings people together to celebrate the festival. Holi is celebrated for two days in Nepal. It is called the festival of colours, Joy and happiness. Holi symbolizes the victory of good over evil. There is the story of the demon Hiranyakashyap, the ruthless sister Holika and the innocent boy Prahlad. In Holi, people spend their nights with family and friends gathering together for a meal. Many people use this opportunity to erase memories of pain and sorrow and replace them with memories of brotherhood, kindness, and joy. Holi is a festival celebrated as a great opportunity to repair all broken relationships. It is one of my favourite festivals.