
Student Corner

Religion Is A Business

Written by: Sarjan Waiba Tamang - 24009, Grade X

Posted on: 09 March, 2022

Religion has existed from the start of humankind. Majority of the people follow the religions like Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Muslim etc. It is all upon our belief and values. We have been following the religion from our childhood and we are taught what is right or wrong. Simply, religion shows us the path to be a good decent person in our life. More than showing the path to followers, it has become totally a business. People are wasting their money in the name of religion. People are getting tricked in the name of religion.

In my point of view, religion is totally a business. It is a much bigger business than we thought. Religion annually contributes about 1.2 trillion dollars of socio economic value. It is a big number. Religion is a better business than others. People undoubtedly follow their religion but they don't realize that they are being tricked. We know that religion is a part of our culture and traditions. But for the people who kept the religion as a business; it can be a plus factor for them. They have been tricking us for years in the name of traditions and culture. Our holy books have never taught us to follow religion. It preaches of love, compassion and kindness. But people have converted it into business. 

The sad reality is that we see people outside the holy places like in church, temples etc who are hungry, homeless and need help but we just ignore it instead. There was a scam held by a group which is still unknown. They raised a camp where they said that they will help the needy people in the name of this religion but it was a fraud they just ran away by taking all the money. People didn't even try to research whether it is a trusted source or not, they just saw a religious name and started giving money. This is not the one case there are thousands like them. The donations are coming but when it comes to helping the needy people the money disappears. 

All the public money had been wasted. But the people can not understand it, Especially in my context I belong to a religious family background when I tried to tell them about it. They just neglected it and started scolding me. Some may agree and some may not. In my country the majority of the people believe in religions and are ready to do whatever they can do for it. We can easily see that religion is business but people do not want to accept it. People are ready to give money for the religions but the same people will not be ready to give money for the needy people. There is a case where a beggar was beaten by the locals and pujari when the beggar tried to eat the prasad. By listening to these kinds of things. Sometimes I doubt the religions.

“Religions have been part of our culture and we cannot doubt our cultures.” I used to hear about it. But some cultures and traditions need to be changed like untouchability, deuki pratha, chaupadi pratha etc. I am not saying that we do not need religion and it is a fake but I am saying that religion is just a belief but outside of religion there are many people who need help.