
Student Corner

French Revolution

Written by: Om Thapa - 23053, Grade XI

Posted on: 07 March, 2022

The French Revolution, which began in 1789 and finished in the late 1790s with Napoleon Bonaparte's rise, was a watershed moment in modern European history. During this time, French citizens demolished and rebuilt their country's political environment, dismantling centuries-old institutions like absolute monarchy and the feudal system. The upheaval was driven by popular dissatisfaction with the French monarchy and King Louis XVI's disastrous economic policies, who was executed by guillotine, as to how his wife Marie Antoinette was executed. Although it did not achieve all of its objectives and at times devolved into a slaughter, the French Revolution played an important part in building contemporary states by demonstrating to the world the strength inherent in the will of the people.

The French Revolution was an era in French history when there was tremendous political and social transformation. The principles and institutions it established continue to dominate French politics to this day. There are some causes of this revolution.  As the 18th century came to a conclusion, France's costly engagement in the American Revolution, along with lavish spending by King Louis XVI and his predecessor, had brought the kingdom to the verge of bankruptcy. In the autumn of 1786, Charles Alexandre de Calonne, Louis XVI's controller general, presented a financial reform package that included a universal land tax from which the favored classes would no longer be exempt. For the first time since 1614, the monarch convened the Estates-General, an assembly of France's clergy, nobles, and middle class, to collect support for these policies and quell a mounting aristocratic insurrection. The conference was set for May 5, 1789, in the interim, delegates from each of the three estates would collect lists of grievances to bring to the king which was a major cause of the revolution. Some of the major events that took place during this revolution are listed below:

  • The Tennis court oath
  • Storming of Bastille
  • Declaration of Rights for Citizen
  • Royal flight to Varennes
  • Execution of King Louis XVI
  • A coup of 18th Brumaire and the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte

Due to this revolution, France progressed a lot not only in terms of economy but also in arts and literature