
Student Corner

Life living in Nepal

Written by: Joya Shrestha - 25004, Grade IX

Posted on: 07 March, 2022

Everyone knows that Nepal is a small and beautiful country in the world picture. We Nepalese always feel proud that we were never ruled by anyone but seeing at the present scenario we are in the colonies of many countries. Nepal has a good constitution but observing the practical basis there is no proper execution of the constitution. “Truth is always bitter but it is what it is”. The political leaders here in Nepal lack nationalism. From the past to till now no one has proper vision and mission. Observing from past to present there is always political instability. The condition of our country is getting worse day by day and all the youth are getting frustrated. Our country Nepal is called a country of peace but seeing the  current  situation of our country I just don’t think it is right to call Nepal a  country of true peace.

Political parties are sheep farms and political leaders are shepherds and Nepalese peoples are sheep and goats.  Youngsters are heading towards foreign countries and the reason is that skilled human resources are not properly utilized here. There is no efficient and effective use of proper human resources. There is still poverty, unemployment and illiteracy. There is a running inflation rate.  Governmental and non governmental institutions are not properly well managed.  It sounds unbelievable but still in the 21st century untouchability exists. Other countries are the playmakers of Nepal and the political leaders are the players. Most of the political leaders are RAW agents, CIA agents, and Chinese agents. It is an open secret that political agents took salaries from respective embassies. Political leaders do not have any political principal, ideology, mission, vision and goal. No one has a proper plan to run an administration. There is always political interference from other countries. The main main decisions of our country are made by India, China and America. The majority always decides what to do. No one respects the voice of minorities. There is deep rooted corruption in Nepal. The country is captured by all INGO and NGO. Nepal’s economy is weak. Administrative activities are done through foreign donations and remittances. We are not able to produce anything. The country which was earned by the forefather has not received justice and how can we expect justice  from the judiciary  in a country where the king has not received justice. Justice is only earned by only powerful people. Education system of Nepal is totally theoretical based. There is no proper provision of practical education. There is no proper political awareness in our society. There is a lack of well educated  economists, social activists, human  right activists, and opposition in the house of representatives. Think tanks are selled. The bureaucracy of the country is devastating. There is a so -called democracy system in Nepal. 

The fundamental root of any country is politics. Being a Nepali citizen I genuinely thought that if we failed to find any alternative political leadership within the next five year then there are “concrete consequences”  we may face in near future. I am afraid that those days may not be so far away. We should be able to check and balance between what's wrong and what’s right.