
Student Corner

Silence is sometimes better than an explanation

Written by: Angel Dhimal - 25002, Grade IX

Posted on: 04 March, 2022

Many people don't deserve your beautiful words, they just deserve your silence. 

I stayed silent to the people who deserved it. I didn't speak a word even though I had a lot to say. Silence is sometimes better than any explanation. I had become silent to people who were just trying to hurt me, who never wanted to see me succeed. To the people who always wanted some kind of agenda to make me look bad in front of other people. I realized that silence is the best answer to some questions because you know who you are and you have to be yourself. It's not necessary to prove to everyone or explain about how you feel to every person because the real ones never judge you or ever question your failure. If you try to explain or give answers to people who back bite you or try to make you wrong in front of others just know that your beautiful words are just going in vain. You are wasting your words to people who deserve your silence. Back then I was a person who used to explain my feelings to others, who would spell out everything, I would prove myself to others, I would seek for appreciation if I had done something good but when I started being judged, discouraged, back bitten I stopped. The moment I heard my closest one judging me on my words which I had shared with them, I was shattered, it completely broke me. I got hurt and it was all my fault for not understanding whether the person I was spelling my words to was the right person or not. Time changes everything including the people in our lives. Your very close ones can also one day judge you or discourage you. So it's you yourself who should never stop loving yourself, you have to prove yourself not others because at the end it's only you who is left with you. Stay silent when someone tries to make you feel bad because we live in a society where people judge us at every step. Numbers of eyes are filled with questions whenever we take any step. Many questions get asked too, many rumors about you can get spread. But it's not necessary to answer every question and react to every rumor. People will tell you awful things which might hurt you and might discourage you but you first need to understand that you work, you succeed, you stay silent, you win. Stay silent when someone tries to break your confidence and move on. Just know that when you succeed people envy you. They will surely try to pull your leg. If their act won't make that happen then they use words. Words hurt the most. They start telling different stories, they make it up, try to make you look bad in front of others but remember if you argue you lose because that shows you are trying to prove yourself to someone else who doesn't even care about you, who doesn't even matter to you. They just envy you because of your success. It's not mandatory that you have to prove to the whole world who you are, it's just that you have to prove yourself , have faith or faith in yourself.  Stay silent, give a smile and walk like you have won the whole day because the day you explain your success rather than explaining to others what you have achieved you will surely be much more fortunate. If you think you have to answer some questions then go for it. If not then just let it go, move on and focus on yourself. You don't need to answer back to the people who try to make you look bad, you just need to wait for a proper day. A day when you become so successful that the people around you will finally be waiting to listen to you untold words.