
Student Corner

Influence of Tiktok

Written by: Niharika Shrestha - 2022022, Grade XII

Posted on: 04 March, 2022

Social media has been drastically changing our lives. Over the past years, social media has evolved a lot. Now, we have so many social media platforms that have made our life much easier and faster. With the help of social media, we are updated with everything that's happening around the world which has helped us to stay connected with our loved ones no matter where we are. It helps us to learn and discover new things every day so with no doubt the use of social media has been increasing every day.

Along with social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, newly ventured social media Tiktok gained a huge popularity these days. Nowadays, people of all age groups are more into TikTok than any other social media app. It has given a platform to people to showcase their talents, their daily life so the number of Tiktok users is rapidly increasing. Not only this, but it also provides people a good source of income through this app. The reason people are so engaged in this app is because it's a great source of entertainment and can watch many different videos on every scroll. It's a great platform for people to gain popularity and provides many opportunities. It can change someone's life very vastly. A good example can be Charli D'Amelio, who is only 17 years old and has over 136M followers on TikTok. She was just a normal teenage girl but a 15 seconds dance video totally changed her life. She got a lot of popularity through that one video and now is one of the most famous Tiktoker. Nepali Tiktoker, Aansh Verma has earned thousands of money just by going live on TikTok. There are many other people whose lives were changed because of TikTok and are pursuing TikTok as their job. Along with its great uses, it has many disadvantages like, it wastes our time. We can be scrolling videos for more than an hour but will still be unaware of it. It will also increase cyberbullying. It gives a platform for people to spread hatred which will affect the mental health of the people and can also ruin someone's life. It also has many negative effects, especially on teenagers. It sometimes forces them to compare their life on the internet and can badly affect their mental health. So, it is important to use TikTok for a very limited time. Nowadays even small kids are engrossed in TikTok which might lead to them learning inappropriate things for their age group, either indirectly or directly. 

 So, it is upon us whether to use TikTok in a good way or a bad way. TikTok has many advantages and helps us to discover new things every day. It strengthens our knowledge on different topics. We can also discover new hobbies, skills through TikTok. We can showcase our talents and grab many opportunities. But it can make us addicted to it and unknowingly will be spending hours daily there. So, we should be careful while spending our time on TikTok and use it only for limited hours for entertainment.