
Student Corner

My point of view for the current scenario in the International Political Strife

Written by: Safal Gautam - 22016, Grade XII

Posted on: 02 March, 2022

As we all know, on 24th February, 2022 Thursday, The Russian Federation announced war on Ukraine. I won’t go into why the war was initiated and the history related to this all as all of us are people who have connections to the internet and the news sources and we know the basic things that are related with this.

Starting off, Twitter. Never in my life have I seen so many cringe posts related to the current topic. Unrelated people are posting whatever they like without much knowledge of what the real scenario actually is. People who can only scold verbally sitting behind their computer cozily with things like the explosion of the chinese oil refinery with tags such as “Nukes were detonated in Ukraine” which over a 1000 people believed. 

Not only on twitter, various social media personalities also started talking about this which I found genuine until some went over the line by dressing up as Military personnel and wrote “They will fight for Ukraine” which all I think is their way of marketing and winning fans with their “Good Deed”. Politicians all around the world only spoke about how it will affect the world while not actually providing help until some hours later. 

I don’t even want to talk about the UNO as till now I have not seen any articles about them except for an “Emergency” meeting minutes after the announcement of the invasion. Another thing to be addressed is memes and unnecessary posts. Scrolling down the Twitter trending feed of the tags like #Putin, #Ukraine, I see some really money hungry people posting “Retweets for Putin, Like for Zelensky”. People are dying and here users are thinking about how to gain followers instantly. The amount of marketing and attention seeking posts and articles I have seen is outrageous.

Praying for Ukraine is fine and all, but telling Putin to “Stop War” is probably the most stupid thing people have done. That man has not given even the slightest thought towards these people, he doesn't care at all as he is extremely serious about this conflict. 

Going to who is right and wrong, no one is wrong and no one is right. Even though people say Putin is the villain of this story I believe it to be false. There is no such thing as this story. There is only My Story and Your Story of life. Almost all people think Putin is the villain of their own story because they believe it to be true. But what about Putin, in his own version of the story, he is a hero because he thinks that what he is doing is a heroic deed.

Going back to the countries who have shown interest in this matter, I must say that my respect for China has soared. Till now I have not even seen a single country who has openly sided with Russia, this also includes China. But why did my respect for this country soared even though I hate their Nationalism and thought process of “China Number One”? It is because while others were blaming Russia, China did not call this “invasion” and invasion while openly blaming the US for this. I couldn't care less about NATO because all they have done till now is waste time trying to talk peace with Putin even though it is 100% clear from Putin’s attitude that he is not “Talking” in this conflict.

Finally, the dumbest thing of it all is that even though Putin has openly warned that any countries interfering will meet with serious consequences, world leaders without a care of their citizens are openly helping the Ukrainians. I am not against helping Ukrainians but they should have considered the consequences because now Putin has ordered the use of Nukes and Nuclear Weapons if the West starts to interfere further which taken into the context of WW2, is a bad idea. 

They should have done their research as the military power of Russia is second to US only and who knows what unrevealed powers this Huge country has couple with the “Help” Xi Jinping will aim to provide to strengthen China’s ties with Russia and maybe the support of North Korea, this may very well lead to a war with 4 alliances, The above mentioned, The Japanese-German alliance, The US alliance and The UK alliance with a single neutral alliance with possible India being the representative unless India decides to side with Russia which is highly unlikely with the involvement of China.