
Student Corner

A Letter To My Past Self

Written by: Aarav BC - 25001, Grade IX

Posted on: 02 March, 2022

As I am writing this letter I remember a lot of things about my past self. I remember my behavior, I remember my old self, I remember my friends, studies, my face, my school. There is really a lot stored in the past when you actually think about it. I remember all the good things that happened to me and all the bad things that happened to me. And just to be clear I am writing this letter to my 13 year old self, which is 2 years ago from now. As a 13 year old I was studying in grade 7 at Deerwalk Sifal School in the basic block.

I would first write to myself about all the difficult times that I would have to face through in the coming two years. But most importantly I would definitely encourage myself to study more and work hard because frankly speaking I am not and I was not that good at my studies because I just don’t work hard enough. So I would definitely encourage myself to study. The second thing I would do would be to be aware of all the bad things I would do. I mean if I would actually get a letter to myself from the future I would definitely try to avoid the things that would not do me good.

I remembered myself from the past and I saw myself change a lot, both physically and mentally. Two years ago I was like a small kid. I was short height, my voice was like a small kid’s voice, squeaky.. I had no worries for everyone. But as I look at myself right now in the mirror I really have changed a lot and people do not realize that until and unless you actually give a deep thought about it. I have grown a lot taller, my voice became deeper and I changed a lot mentally. My father went abroad so I am kind of like “the man of the house”. So I keep on helping my family a lot in any way that I can. If someone tells me to do something or some work , I will complain about it but in the end I do it and finish the work. But in my older self I would not have done the same. I would have ignored the work.

So I developed a sense of responsibility towards my family. And I would include this in my letter to my old self. I would tell myself to be more helpful, to try to do the work given to me. There are so many things that I don't remember 2 years ago but these basically are the points that I would have surely included in the letter that I wrote to my past self. But the most important thing I realized while writing this is that We change so much from our past that we won’t realize it. We can have a huge change in us just in one week and we won’t even realize it.

But to be frank, if I could actually write a letter to my past self then I would prefer not to, because life would be boring. If I were to get a letter sent to me by my future self I would come to know all of my weaknesses and I would try to improve them but I would like myself to realize and improve my weaknesses by myself. I would hate it if any other person or even my future self would do that.