
Student Corner

Do Your Belongings Affect Your Behavior?

Written by: Shuban Pradhan - 24005, Grade X

Posted on: 02 March, 2022

Everyone owns something and some precious items to treasure in their life. At any point in a time one of your belongings will encourage or motivate you to do something. On the other hand some things will remind you of your past, discourage you, or make you  remember something either good or bad moments. Without realizing it some of your belongings change your personality, characteristics and your behavior.  

The emotional bondage that we have with our daily life utilities, accessories, materials, ets are so high that if even one of them were to be missing the sensation of discomfort immediately comes to our minds. Even if you had forgotten one of your belongings it won’t stop bugging you unless you either totally forget about it or go and get it. In simple terms it is what we call an invisible influence. Everyone has their own perspective of rights and wrongs and they weigh their options on what’s good for them. For example, when you are at a restaurant and after you eat your dinner, a waiter asks if you would like to take some desserts. The option may vary from saving your money to eating till you're full. 

An invisible influence is about the simple, and often surprising ways how others affect our behavior. There are many ways your belongings influence you to become someone else in which you will admire for your lifetime. Belongings that someone gifted you, some that you found, some that were taken from you and some that you may have forgotten. “I trust that everything happens for a reason, even if we are not wise enough to see it.” as said by Oprah Winfrey, states that even if we are not capable of seeing something that is there, it is still affecting you in a good way. It goes the same way with one's belongings, even if you have it laying in a room for your entire life, by just looking at it you are slowly changing in a positive way. For example there are many items that have good ratings for positive influence but in reality it is just some rock painted into a shiny sparkling necklace, rings, etc, it means that the mental state of someone changes with just a bit of belief. 

It has been researched that the majority of people or all of us are getting influenced by the minor detailed belongings that we own till now. Even older people don’t just form bonds with their specific belongings, they have an affection for brands from their youth too. Usually this is in a taste for music, books, films and other entertainment from their perception, but the same has been shown for fashions and hairstyles.

In conclusion, yes it can be observed that most of our belongings affect us in a minor way time and time again in a positive and in a negative way to bring you to the right path. It happens in the duration of every age and with their own perception or opinion and choice of their mentality state.