
Student Corner

Reflection: My First Day At Deerwalk Sifal School

Written by: Sonam Sunner - 27017, Grade VII

Posted on: 28 February, 2022

I had moved school during the lockdown. The first time I heard about the school, I was okay with it but suddenly before it started, I started overthinking if I might not get any friends here because in my old school I had friends. Then school was about to start. Because it was a lockdown we had to do online school. First-class I had was science. I was a bit nervous at first because of some technical issues. I couldn't join the class meeting the teacher had sent. After lots of failed takes,  I finally joined, the teacher called my name and asked me to introduce myself. She was really kind. 

I introduced my name and then saw that they were playing a game. It was a game where you had to spin a wheel and whatever it landed on you had to do. Mines landed on singing. My mind can’t really think of any songs when people ask me to sing one. So I wasn't able to sing any songs. But because the teacher was really nice she said it was okay and I could sing in another class of hers. I was happy about it. I was looking around the class meeting and saw there was also another new student. Now I was happier because at least I wasn't the only one who was new and I can also be friends with. I became friends with her. All the people in my class were also great people. I talk to some of them when I'm confused at an event. Deerwalk has lots of events so that people can gain confidence and shape us in a strong way. Some people, like introverts, get opportunities to work on expressing themselves.

Finally, Real-life school started. I was more nervous now; I didn't know anything about the school or where my class was. Before I went, I was talking to my friend who was also a newcomer. When I reached school one of my classmates came up to me and brought me to my class. They were really kind. When class started it was usually just interacting or playing games since it was the first day of offline school and sports day was also near. Even at lunch, I sat with my friends and made friends with other people who were in a lower or higher grade than us. As each day passed, I made some friends. I am really happy about this school. This school teaches you a lot.