
Student Corner

My Experience of Covid-19

Written by: Krituka Sapkota - 25005, Grade IX

Posted on: 25 February, 2022

Thinking about getting covid twice is a nightmare to a lot of people. Getting covid twice is not fun either. I got covid for the first time when I was in grade 7. I got covid when shopping malls, offices were open. Most of my dad's colleagues tested positive and we were also going to shopping malls but we were taking all the precautions. I was the first one from my house to get covid as I got sick before Tihar, I recovered for Tihar and again got sick after Tihar. My dad also got a common cold, body pain and mild fever. So we decided to get the PCR test. Three of us from a family of six people got tested positive. The experience was not that bad, I didn't have any trouble throughout the time. I used to question myself if I really had covid but the positive report confirmed I had got it. Getting tested positive for covid was scary. My CT value levels were also pretty low so everyone who knew about it would ask me to eat,drink alot of hot foods and avoid cold foods.Those 15days of isolation passed really quickly. I was really thankful that I had not had any difficulty throughout the two week isolation. And I thought that I would not have to suffer after getting covid but I was wrong. The trouble that started after isolation was tiredness on an extreme level. Even if I was home all day taking my online classes, I used to be tired like I had climbed mountains. I faced tiredness for a very long time. I faced it for more than 6 months. Even after a year I got tired quickly and had difficulty running or playing sports for a short period of time too. I got sick a lot more than usual after covid. I used to get sick easily and would be on bed rest soon too.

After that second variant of covid known as Delta virus was seen. I had all the symptoms of covid and took the antigen test at home which came negative. Luckily I didn't catch covid this time and had a good lockdown too. Getting covid second time was scary and I didn't want to get the same tiredness twice and go through it twice. Everything went back to normal after covid cases decreased, school reopened and after going to school Dashain came and we got holiday and school reopened for almost two months and we were given winter vacation after school. Vacation was well spent, we had theater drama practice throughout the vacation which was fun. Covid started rising a lot and declared having online classes but we did not get any emails from our school about online classes and later got an email saying there would be physical classes. Physical school opened but just for a day and we got an email saying we had online classes. We got our first dose of vaccination. It was painful for three days. I could not move my hand for three days.  Online classes were going great. It was a normal day but I caught a cold and started showing symptoms of covid. The first symptoms I had was no food tasting tasty or good and I ignored it at first thinking it was just because of medicines but later my taste was gone I could not taste anything even chilly powder. If I had to describe how it felt having no taste it was like there was no species, salt anything in the food. It was the weirdest feeling ever. Later I had extreme body pain. I had pain in my leg the most and joint pain. I got a mild fever too. One day before knowing I had covid I was not able to breathe and had to sit straight to be able to breathe. I felt weak. First time getting covid was for 15 days but with less effects but omicron was for 5 days but with a lot of difficulties and suffering. I had the worst feeling and wanted to feel good and fresh again. First 3 days were hard but slowly got better. We had covid vaccine 2nd dose distribution but I could not take it because of having covid a week ago and we had to cross the time limit of 1 month. I faced a lot of tiredness more than before. Even small walks make me so tired. Getting covid twice is the worst and not the best feeling.

My lockdowns were great, I had fun times, a lot of bad things in my life turned into good ones. Not everyone had a good lockdown but I had except the parts of getting covid.