
Student Corner

Life- A Mystery

Written by: Arunesh Manandhar - 23011, Grade XI

Posted on: 24 February, 2022

Oh, dear life!
Why are you so rare,
Like a bottled wish on a seashore?
Why are you so sacred,
But so sinful at the same time?
Why are you so wretched,
But oh so precious like a mother’s warmth?
Why are you so holy,
Like the north star?
Why are you so bitter,
Like burnt tar?
Why are you sweet,
Like cherry wine?

People say,
“Life is nothing
Life- A Mystery 
But, the wait for death
Either of own,
Or others around.”
I ask,
“Can you offer me redemption?
For I have been washed,
Washed in the tide of Devil’s breath.
Wishing a little pain
For the ones I hate.”
Or, is it you?
Making me feel so selfish,
Like a shrike
Killing its prey
On a thorn bed.

You are a mystery to me,
Figuring you out is what I live for.
Forced upon to live you,
By being brought to this world.
Oh, but you make me so happy!
With your tricks and magic.
However, it’s only you who is defined as tragic.
Tell me,
Are you beautiful or vile?
Are you the reason for the orphan kid’s small smile?
Whatever you are,
I believe you to be the greatest gift
Tightly wrapped in a small dark packet called life.