
Student Corner

A Dim Light Living Within

Written by: Samyam Shrestha - 22012, Grade XII

Posted on: 24 February, 2022

Cries are heard but no-one to respond,
Will someone hear my voice as i speak,
Will someone hold me as I say,
How will someone display their pain,

Human have their own secrecy that they won't share,
How a person live or how will person go, no-one can dare,
One shall choose his path himself,
We are there just to guide not to change,
One shall see themself how they fit,
Thou shall not interfere how they are supposed to be.

This twisted fate can’t be change no matter what,
The flags fly victoriously over the battlefield,
Even should be engulfed in flames
This will continue to tread fearlessly.

Lift thy head high,and look closely at the clouds,
“How much  does each mistake cost?”
What thou it meant to repeatedly turn back,
Give thy life and what would God grant us?
What will we receive in return?
Cast away everything and think about at thine insignificance
What a sinful creature are we ….

How many changes we have faced
So many section we are dead
How much we act lies could cover a face
Truth could be bitter, yet will replace thine lies

“Never lose faith”.. A great Veteran told me
I chose faith in, that would be we
Why didn't they betray us, they could have gotten better?
We all have been searching for the truth to permettre

All those who thou met were all fine in the end
Yet, nobody else seems to remember any of that content
Many don't know what is happening to this cruel play
Even if that is the case, thou were born to figure out …