
Student Corner

Global Warming

Written by: Deeva Shrestha - 28016, Grade VI

Posted on: 24 February, 2022

The increase of temperature in the Earth’s surface due to human activities and natural processes which increases heat-trapping greenhouse gas levels in Earth’s atmosphere is called Global warming. Global warming is very harmful to the earth and living beings.

Greenhouse gases are those gases which let sunlight pass through the atmosphere but prevent heat from leaving the atmosphere, warming the planet. There are mainly three greenhouse gases. They are; Carbon dioxide, Methane, Nitrous oxide.

Global warming is caused mainly by two reasons. Natural processes and Human activities. Global warming is caused by natural processes. It was caused due to volcanic eruption, natural forest fire, solar activity etc. Global warming is also caused by human activities. It is caused due to factories Production, deforestation, burning fossil fuels, transportation, chemical fertilisers used for farming, garbage etc.

There are many causes of Global Warming. It can cause the death of animals. The sea level will get higher. If the sea level gets higher it will flood the whole earth and life will be impossible on earth. Global warming can also cause hurricanes. If more hurricanes will occur then it can cause damage to houses and people might die.

We can reduce Global Warming. We have to follow different measures to prevent Global Warming. We should plant more trees. We should reduce, reuse and recycle. We should use natural fertilisers. We should turn off the electricity if it is not used. We should not burn plastics.

We should make everyone aware about Global Warming. We should encourage others and ourselves to follow the measures to reduce Global Warming. We should do something about Global Warming or else we might not be able to survive on this Earth because of the seas and hurricanes.