
Student Corner


Written by: Yureka Adhikari - 29049, Grade V

Posted on: 23 February, 2022

This world tells me to care more about the life of another’s,

Then again they say that self-love comes before others!

How does anyone understand the world?

Really who should I care more about? I've never learnt!

They make it out as if good and bad are black and white,

Then they say that’s not quite right.

How does anyone understand the world?

When everything is so blurred!

They say happiness is perfection achieved,

Then again, life isn’t made to be perfectly lived; you can only be deceived.

How does anyone understand the world?

Everyone has something preferred!


People say to help,

I don’t know how to help since I’m lost inside myself! 

How does anyone understand this world?

When it’s so twisted and twirled!

I’m confused and that’s all I know!
I don’t understand how the sun can glow,

When I can’t figure out how to grow!

How can stars and the sun not feel like they’ve overflowed?


How does anyone understand this world?

When it’s so twisted and twirled, so blurred and when no one has the same things preferred!