
Student Corner


Written by: Shreebisha Shrestha - 23040, Grade XI

Posted on: 22 February, 2022

Growing up watching Disney movies
Filled with light-skinned princesses
And perfect looking models  
Always made me feel
“Uncomfortable” of with my own skin
I wanted to look like a princess, 
to look like them
But every day  instead, I got depressed.

But my mama she said to me
One day my love,  “you will see that
Beauty is on the inside
See it in your own eyes
You’re an example of beauty.
You’re the sample of an angel.
You are beautiful.. just the way you are.

They say “Beauty is pain and there’s beauty 
in everything.”
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
See yourself you’re perfect and understand 
You are worth it.
Beauty is in the inside
Go and tell your own mind.

God gave us different shades and shapes
The color of our skin does not define our worth beauty
Be gentle as a feather
And strong like a stone
Find your inner self inside 
Find a beauty that’s kind  and gentle
Embrace how you look.

Stop hiding behind the mascara and foundation
Because the foundation of beauty is defined by not on your skin
Carry a beauty that inflames the heart 
And enhances the soul
Beauty is not in the face but
Beauty is a light in the heart.