
Student Corner


Written by: Ishu Shiwakoti - 22009, Grade XII

Posted on: 18 February, 2022

Humans have been fighting each other for power and have engaged in numerous wars and battles in order to survive or to prove that they are the strongest for long. This prompted humans to devise a plethora of strategies for defeating the enemy. One of these methods was the development of firearms. It all started with the creation of arrows, daggers, and even fatal toxins extracted from animals, all for the purpose of causing pain. Whether the target was an enemy or an obstacle to their goal. Despite the presence of biological weapons since ancient times, man has invented so-called biological weapons thanks to technological advancements in the twentieth century, but biological warfare has reached its highest and most dangerous level since the twentieth century. 
Biological agents are extremely powerful and effective weapons, but the damage they cause is far more dangerous than most people realize. BioWeapons can have a long-term impact on living organisms, destroying ecosystems and causing genetic defects in future generations. Regardless of how dangerous BioWeapons are, their use is also immoral and anti-human. Bacteria, viruses, and other disease-causing agents are examples of biological weapons. Often used in wars between countries, these agents aim to harm, injure, or kill the enemy or target. These agents can be used to harm specific people or a specific country or city. 
Biological weapons, in my opinion, should be prohibited. International efforts and the medical community should work together to set moral boundaries for some of these research projects that develop lethal weapons. Furthermore, the media must raise public awareness of the dangers of biological weapons and demonstrate how to deal with them or respond if a biological agent attack occurs.