
Student Corner

Should smoking and production of cigarettes be banned?

Written by: Kriti Nepal - 24010, Grade X

Posted on: 18 February, 2022

As most of the people might be familiar with this, smoking is defined as the action or habit of inhaling and exhaling the smoke of tobacco by sucking on the end of a lit cigarette, cigar, pipe, etc. Smoking is very harmful as it can cause various harmful diseases like cancer, diabetes, heart attack, increases the risk for eye diseases, tuberculosis and can even claim life. It is very harmful to the people as well as the surrounding environment.
In the present context, smoking has become a trend for people of every age and they tend to think smoking cigarettes makes them look cool. Smoking is also taken as a trend by most of the young generation as they seem to take it as fashion. Some people even smoke as a reason to relieve their stress or for pleasure whereas, it is only putting the person smoking and those around them at a huge risk. Even educated people aware about it’s negative effects are involved in smoking and the number of smokers are increasing every day. Smoking is highly addictive due to the presence of nicotine in the cigarettes which also has several negative effects on one’s health itself. Personally, I feel that smoking and it’s production should be banned as there are several negative effects of it and hardly any positive one. People tend to take the effects of smoking very lightly however it can cause several health hazards like heart diseases, lung diseases, risk of eye diseases, weakened immune system, fertility problems, teeths becoming discolored, lips getting darker and many more. It also decreases the social and financial status of a person and also sets a bad example in the society which can influence the young generation in a bad way. Smoking not only affects the health of smokers but also those around them. It also causes pollution and degrades the quality of the environment. There are many causes behind one getting involved in smoking like; nowadays most of the movies and tv shows are portraying major characters smoking that leads the audience towards smoking as imitation, many holdings and ads are also advertising smoking, smoking cigarettes are also used as a stress reliever by many peoples, surrounded by bad friend circle also leads in smoking, thinking it makes one look cool and many more. We can also use several measures in order to prevent smoking like; being aware of its negative effects and not getting involved in it, not staying in a bad friend circle, staying positive etc.
However I feel it would be more effective if smoking and the production of cigarettes itself is banned. If the cigarettes are made unavailable and smoking would be banned then it would help in order to promote a healthier lifestyle. It would also help the smokers who wanted to quit but couldn’t by making it outlaw. It can also help people to develop quality of life and improve their healthy lifestyle.