
Student Corner

Angel Numbers

Written by: Estella Shrestha - 24007, Grade X

Posted on: 16 February, 2022

Some of us might have seen repeating number sequences such as 111, 222, 333 and many more such numbers are called angel numbers. We might have noticed it sometime in our daily life. Angel numbers have spiritual significance and are considered as a sign from the universe, every angel number has its own meaning. Seeing angel numbers is not just a coincidence. For example, you buy a coffee at Rs 222 and wake up at 2:22 am or you see the angel number on the clock. Those are the signs and it is said that the angels are trying to convey some messages and they’re trying to reach out to us. 


Every angel number has a significant meaning, which  are mentioned below:

111: According to numerology when you see this number it means to ensure your thoughts and energies are focused on the things that you want. More importantly, the meaning of 111 is alignment. 


222: The meaning of number 222 is balance and according to Michaela, when you see 222 it means that the energy is trying to remind you to enjoy the moment and a message that everything is working out how it is supposed to be. 


333: This number sequence means to self-correct in the areas of your life to bring to completion. And basically, it means that you’re in good hands. The meaning of this number is perfection.


444: Simply guidance to the way to life as the meaning of the number 444 is the stability it’s a sign to balance physical, mental, emotional state and to reconnect them. 


555: This angel number means that some changes might appear on the way. 


666: A message from angel guardians to take a look and take personal responsibility within your life. 


777: The repeated 7 means to forget about the past and embracing to the future self. It is a sign to let go of all the fears you had in your past. 


888: the repeated 8 angel number is a sign of forewarning and a sign that you are receiving the rewards of the good things you have done in the past. 


999: Whatever you’re up to is going to completion. The number 9 means conclusion and endings. 


Angel numbers are a message to take action. They are the signs for you and guide in the way of your life. To sum up everything, angel numbers are recurring sequences and patterns. The recurring sequences are completely different, according to numerology. Angel numbers are guidance and dietitian which can be implemented in our lives if we want with positive energy.