
Student Corner

My Dad

Written by: Manasbhi Niroula - 29015, Grade V

Posted on: 16 February, 2022

All these years I never thought of my dad as a hero. I was just pretending to love him. Whenever somebody used to ask me “Who do you love the most dad or mom?” I would always say ‘Mom’. I never understood my fathers love or I can say I never tried to see his love towards me. He would buy me whatever I wanted. Once, he bought me a tablet when I was five. But I never appreciated his hard work. 
One incident in my life made me realise that my dad is a total hero. It was my exam day, I made a minor mistake in my Maths exam. The question was asked, “How many days are there in a year?” I wrote 356, but the correct answer was 365. My mom got mad at me and scolded me a lot but my father said “It is fine, we learn from our mistakes.” with a smile on his face. Those words from my father gave me confidence and hope. That time, I realised how lucky I am to get such a calm, cool and perfect dad and I promised myself that I will also try to be a perfect daughter by making my father proud.