
Student Corner


Written by: Simone Shree Pathak - 24006, Grade X

Posted on: 15 February, 2022

There are more than 7 billion people in the world. It is said that there are approximately 7.7 billion people who are currently living in this world. When the population gets out of hand, it is called overpopulation. Overpopulation creates various problems in the world. Overpopulation is a topic which many people have shed light at. However we don’t see it lessening; we see it flaring up. It seems to be one of the major causes of why newer problems keep on arising.

Overpopulation is primarily caused by many different things. However, the most important cause is definitely the lack of awareness among people. There is no awareness among people regarding this issue. When there is a lack of awareness regarding these subjects, people wouldn’t consider overpopulation as a threat. If we spread awareness regarding this worldwide, there should be a positive change regarding it. Another big cause is the low mortality rate. The birth rate and the mortality rate are very imbalanced. With the growing technology, people are dying slowly and advancement in medicine helps people from extending death. Other reasons like family planning. Without family planning, even a single family brings an impact to rapid population growth.

Overpopulation has a lot of negative effects on the world, which is why it is considered as a global issue. The main effect of overpopulation on us would be pollution. We all know how harmful pollution is for everyone. Pollution degrades the environment and when the environment degrades so does our health. Overpopulation creates a lot of actions like deforestation and unmanaged housing too. These effects contribute to the degradation of the environment even more and they invite pollution. Pollution and environmental degradation working together, global warming is flared up even more. Overpopulation also creates the lack of enough space and resources. When the population of earth reaches to the point that it cannot handle an immense amount of people, the earth will give up. If the population grows rapidly just at the current rate, there will also be scarcity of resources. Many of the resources are limited, and without resources it will be hard to work. There may also be scarcity of food in the later years.

For the measures of overpopulation; firstly, we should all spread awareness. As I said before, awareness will most likely bring change towards this situation. I also suggest people to practice family planning to control the high birth rate. Overpopulation is a topic that we have heard of a lot of times however there is still not much change regarding its eradication. Because overpopulation contributes to huge global issues such as pollution, environment degradation and climate change, it as a whole affects global warming which is considered a serious threat towards humanity and other races.